52: Beer Stars
Street style, maps and planets.
A weekly-ish email to my internet friends
Old stories.
Crocodiles will drop on our heads.
“Alien megastructure” is just fun to say.
The future is disappointing.
Star Wars, robots and bats.
Cheat codes for fish.
A walking tour, a smartwatch and some spice.
Dinosaurs are ducks. For real. Or are ducks dinosaurs?
Work and the lack of it.
Uber for History
Let a hundred flowers bloom.
Let’s keep on learning.
Lightbulbs, an AMA and tentacle monsters.
Weird animals and self-driving trucks.
Depressed Instagramers, airport noises and an expedition to Bolivia.
So many dudes.
Not my circus, not my monkeys.
‘ello, is it marriage equality you’re looking for?
Rude introverts, barges and the Loch Ness monster.
100 Tricks to Tae-Bo With Ants.
Magnificent cocks and creepy clowns.
Hipster Barbie and Aliens
CDs, dinosaurs and other extinct things.
YouTube, Drugs and North Korea.
This will not end well.
Vine, YouTube and Movie Trailers
Sometimes we need it.
This is art.
Who’s The Boom King?
Artisanal Naked Guy
Let it burn, let it burn, let it burn.
lonelygirl15, frogs and GPS
Lasers! Nerds! Laser nerds!
More than just fireworks.
This one is for the bronze age aficionados.
It’s robots and emoji all the way down.
Emojigeddon and academic rigour.
We are all too smart to be happy.
They are sleazy af.
Like4like, follow4follow. Hashtag.
It’s Monday, let’s be cheerful!