
Hello internet friends,

why not have a tea and read an interesting slice of internet?
For example – how the word tea and the word cha traveled the world.


No, we’re not bitching about their image sorting algorithm today. We’re talking brands. And especially Instagram brands: The Strange Brands in Your Instagram Feed. Lovely, isn’t it? And it seems to work rather well: Instagram Ads Are Basically Infomercials for Millennials


These days we’re very used to stuff turning into (usually very short-lived) memes and “go viral” – but back when we were all young and the internet was fun, this was a new thing: The Strange History of One of the Internet’s First Viral Videos

Space News

These stories don’t have anything in common except “space,” but here we go:

Bird News

Is there anything more badass than hawks starting bush fires to feast on the small animals that run from the flames? Why These Birds Carry Flames In Their Beaks

That’s all, enjoy your tea!

Plastic Poop

Hello internet friends,

remember roughly a year ago we were all wondering about an alien megastructure? Turns out it might be just dust.


I’m harvesting credit card numbers and passwords from your site. Here’s how. Between this rather realistic scenario and the whole chip architecture vulnerability it might be time to just end this whole digital experiment. (Before we do, send me your addresses, so I can send you these letters by post.)

Plastic Fantastic Redux

Remember last week we had eco-plastics? Now someone found caterpillars that eat plastic: Plastic-eating caterpillars could save the planet
I’m not too sure how well that would work – they’re probably not breaking down the plastic polymers small enough to make their feces not be plastic anymore?


This speaks to me on so many levels: ‘Most of us are too busy to be better’: the lazy person’s guide to self-improvement

That’s all for this week.


Hello internet friends,

and a happy new year and such. Just remember that starting from today, there are people who are adults by law (Your mileage might vary, but at least in countries where 18 is that age) were born in the 2000s.
Good god.


This link is in German, so… maybe skip clicking it if that’s a problem for you? You could also Google Translate it, which works pretty well these days.

This interview with one of the preeminent airport construction experts on his views on the still unopened new Berlin airport is very fascinating: BER: Dieter Faulenbach da Costa im Interview
Maybe it is time to teach the people the concept of the sunk cost fallacy and actually blow the whole thing up and start from scratch. Maybe have some people handle it who have done this kind of thing before.


Don’t tell me that! We Are Never, Ever, Ever Getting a Monorail
From what I see in this article the problem isn’t with the concept of monorails but with poor city planning. Maybe if people built monorails where there is actual demand and sell tickets at a reasonable price, these things would actually be useful? But then I’m probably biased, because: Monorail! 🤩

Plastic Fantastic

Now this sounds pretty rad: The Creators Of This Algae Plastic Want To Start A Maker Revolution
I’m not super sure if the whole maker angle is really the thing to look at, but bioplastic from algae sounds awesome and like one of the few good cyberpunk-sounding things we should actually add to our lives.

Tiny Homes

No, not these ones. But the internet ones: The year we wanted the internet to be smaller – Why tiny, weird online communities made a comeback in 2017

Here’s to a 2018 that’s better than last year.

This One Needs Some Good Editing

Hello internet friends,

let’s start with an uplifting new entry in the long list of articles of the “The dream of the web is dead” genre: My Internet Mea Culpa. While he’s probably right on most things I always find it amusing to watch Americans try so hard to not realize that rampant capitalism and the culture of VC-funded ~start-ups~ might the real problem here.


While we’re not so sure if the internet has been such a good idea, the tools to push it forward are changing faster and faster: A recap of front-end development in 2017
And if you’re as confused as I am, here we go: Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs


I know – more Star Wars content. Sorry. But it’s out there and it is pretty interesting: How Star Wars was saved in the edit


I’ve been working remotely for a couple of weeks now and this mostly means Slack 24/7 (or at least 12/7 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) including a pretty serious usage of the status text. (Remember IM? Back then it was fun to use status texts…) So obviously I’m super interested in how this works (or not) for other people: The presence prison

Fyre Fyre

One of the best things of 2017 was probably the Fyre Festival. Here’s a fun little article about it: I paid $4,000 to go. It’s fair game to make fun of me


Jingle Balls

Hello internet friends,

have you seen the new Star Wars, yet? Do you have an opinion? Turns out you’re not alone on the internet. (Obviously I also have opinions, so here we go.)
Funnily enough almost everything I really liked made the peanerd gallery mad. Which obviously tells me that I am right, because they are wrong.


(I know that not a single one of you cares, but ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ )

The new season of Terrace House started. It will take a couple of weeks to see how the new folks are, but so far it looks great. Terrace House, the nicest reality show on television, heads back to Japan


I hardly ever use Google Maps these days. It’s too resource intensive on my desktop computer (Which is only a pricey MacBook Pro with all the RAM, not that I’m complaining or anything.) and on my phone Apple Maps is good enough. But maybe I should go back: Google Maps’s Moat – How far ahead of Apple Maps is Google Maps? – it is fascinating to read what they do and how they do it.


We can’t really trust JK Rowling anymore because internet justice (google it yourself.) so maybe we can replace her with a robot? The first draft sounds pretty promising: ‘He began to eat Hermione’s family’: bot tries to write Harry Potter book – and fails in magic ways


Another Manic Monday

Hello internet friends,

what a lovely Monday it is!
Let’s just pretend it is Monday, okay?

Robot News

We all know that robots will come for our jobs. But won’t someone please think of the children? Will Robots Take Our Children’s Jobs?
Well, I don’t know what jobs your children have, but maybe let them be children for a while?

But maybe your children have the very questionable job of bullying homeless people? In that case, yes, they’ll be redundant, soon: Robots are being used to shoo away homeless people in San Francisco
Just look at this thing, with cute stickers of animals. San Francisco sounds like a great place.

Spider News

But hey, if the robots take all our jobs, maybe humans can find a new purpose on this planet: as spider food! If spiders worked together, they could eat all humans in a year

lol. maybe.

This made me chuckle: The InDev Incident

This also made me chuckle: Best Of 2017: PODCASTS

This made everybody chuckle already, but you know, it is pretty funny: I Made My Shed the Top Rated Restaurant On TripAdvisor

So… see you again next Monday. Ehem.


Hello internet friends,

just FYI: Why Dating An Entrepreneur Is Very Different To The Norm (And if you want to turn into a stabby human you’ll google the original article.)

Robot Thoughts

As robots – or at least voice activated assistants are becoming more prevalent, something is noticable: they’re all coded female. (Obviously this is not only a problem for women who share the same name as these things, it is also problematic in itself. And yes, yes, I know it is possible to switch Siri to a male voice, but who changes defaults anyway?) As you know, Bob, I linked to the sexual harassment test before and the results were, well, they were what was to be expected.
So Sarah Cooper decided to collect a few better responses to what is a pretty dumb request already: OK Google, Show Me Your Tits


One of the best YouTube channels around is Every Frame a Painting and now Taylor Ramos and Tony Zhou are done with it. They were nice enough to share why and what they learned while editing these videos: Postmortem: Every Frame a Painting

Evolution News

Usually there aren’t many newsworthy things about evolution. Only numbnuts think it doesn’t exist and if we can see it happen it is usually with bacteria and other un-fun things. But now! News! A new bird has arrived: A New Bird Species Has Evolved on Galapagos And Scientists Watched It Happen

Hype Train

Next week is already new Star Wars week and maybe you have plans to watch it right away and feel a bit confused about what happened so far. But don’t worry, io9 is here to help: A Timeline of Everything We Know Happened After Return of the Jedi, Up to The Last Jedi

Be nice to your robots, folks. Maybe then they’ll have mercy and kill you quick and painless once the uprising begins.

All The Way Down

Hello internet friends,

you’re welcome:
(But why?)

De Chelonian Mobile

Oh, how lovely: The art of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld – in pictures
(Before we get into discussions: It’s Paul Kidby, not Josh Kirby. They’re both amazing in their very different ways.)


I still remember when Web 2.0 became Social Media and all of us started to worry. And we probably all agree: The End of the Social Era Can’t Come Soon Enough
Let the idiots play with their bitcoin and SEO get-rich-quick schemes and maybe we can go back to personal blogs and uh… tag clouds and opinions about RSS.


These may be the world’s first images of dogs—and they’re wearing leashes.
This is rather amazing. Turns out dogs have domesticated the ape for a lot longer than we knew.

That’s all folks – after you’re done reading, why not read some Science Fiction, watch a western or listen to some classical music.


And Yet

Hello internet friends,

it’s Monday and what a fine day it is to think about art. And because everything has to be a listicle, let’s get right to it: All the Da Vincis in the world: rated

Analog News

I’m not quite sure I can totally agree with this guy but sure, he has quite a lot of points: Our Love Affair With Digital Is Over
That being said: oh boy, do I still like digital, too. How else would I reach you folks? You bet I wouldn’t type these out on a typewriter (I do still have one) while listening to music on vinyls (I don’t have a record player) and taking photos with a 35mm camera. (I have… multiple. Almost as many as digital cameras.)

Machine Learning

Have you ever heard of MENACE? Turns out it is a machine learning machine from the 1950s and it is awesome: Machine Learning Explained
And if you actually read through the whole thing, congratulations. How about a fifteen minute (FIF! TEEN! What’s wrong with these people.) YouTube video? MENACE: the pile of matchboxes which can learn


Even though I don’t read as many books as I should or want – I mean, how? I have a day job and I need to read the internet and watch all of Netflix, not because I enjoy it but because of compuslion – I would identify myself as someone who really really likes reading. I mean, one of the reasons why I never properly learned how to interact with people is probably the fact that during the formative years for social behaviour (I’d say roughly between 12 and 22?) I usually was just sitting somewhere with a book.
And yet, I have never once thought about the fact that reading in silence is something weird(-ish) but it turns out: it is a pretty recent thing. History of reading: The beginning of silent reading changed humans’ interior life.

So, yeah. Grab a book or something. Toodles!

Champagne On The Beach

Hello internet friends,

turns out, it is Monday Tuesday again and here we are. An email!
If you want to see ~the future~ let me introduce you to Replika, your new robot friend. Or how Wired would say it: What My Personal Chat Bot Is Teaching Me About AI’s Future
I tried it and it is creepy. (Can’t wait, to be honest.)


If chat bots aren’t doing it for you and you’re still unable to attract people into interacting with you, here is something for you: How to Hire Fake Friends and Family
You’ll have to move to Japan first, though.


Imagine for just a moment that the problem you have with apps on your phone is not that there are too many of them or that they spy on your every move or open up the door to random strangers to yell at you. Image instead that you might have not enough apps. Huh. For this situation there is an “App of the Day” thing going on at the iPhone app store and boy, is it wild: (for a very loose definition of “wild”) What I learned after downloading every iPhone App of the Day for a month

Happy Death

Important New Zealand news! A Country Created A Viral Vacationing “Swim Reaper” And People Love It
(In other New Zealand news: as far as I followed the news they’ve elected a pretty great new Prime Minister. But what’s that next to a grim reaper who enjoys the beach?)

Ads Ads Ads

I openly admit: I fell for this crap, too: A psychologist explains why those Facebook product ads are so darn compelling. Twice!
And let me tell you: the fancy scandinavian slippers are rather nice, but the shoes (from another company, but same contemporary conformist marketing) are… complicated.

Sorry. Weird week. (And uhm, yeah… I told you about my newly acquired Terrace House addiction, right? Well… I’m now at this (rather low) point in my life where I download fan-subs of the first Japan-only iteration which I find in the weirder corner of the internet. This eats mightly into my “reading the internet” time. Again: sorry.)