Dear Internet Friend,
With trust, I faithfully write to you as I know this mail will definitely come to you as a huge surprise, but I implore you to take the time to go through my mail carefully as the decision you make will go a long way to determine the future of my business prospect with you.
It has been a while since my last mail – mostly because I used every free minute playing OpenTTD and watching Vietnam war movies playing around with a bunch of APIs to work on my website.
You can look at it, it’s almost done.
For the second time in a week, my iPhone decided last night that charging was too much work. So I woke up to an empty battery again.
It’s weird how I don’t know what to do between waking up and leaving the house without the ability to immediately check Twitter.
And if you can’t trust your phone to charge, what can you trust these days?
Did I mention that I like Vox? (Not the German TV station, the explain-the-news website.) I generally like having things explained to me.
Have a nice weekend everybody!