62: Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah.

Hello, internet friends!

Now that it’s September, summer is over! Get used to dark, grey, cold and rainy days again. Opposed to dark, grey, rainy and not quite so cold days that were our summer.
I write this as if everyone of you is in the same geographic region as I am, which is of course a bit silly. Maybe you had a lovely summer.
And I hope you all have a great fall. Colorful trees, a stiff breeze from the south that keeps the clouds at bay. You know – the works.


(Lazy newsletter request: does someone have the time to go through the UTF–8 charts and find a smiling version of that little dude?)


I deleted the Facebook app from all my devices and things are good. I also logged out of FB in my main browser and deleted all their cookies. Not because I was making A Point but because it just got a bit annoying. I don’t need a push notification when someone shares a link. Especially not when I explicitely switched off all the notification.
Now I get about three emails from FB per day, which is okay – I can filter my email inbox automatically – unlike push notifications.


Dee dee dee dee duh duh dee dee duh! How The ‘Kung Fu Fighting’ Melody Came To Represent Asia
And as usual, I quite like the MeFi discussion.


Hang in there, Monday is only once a week.
