
A weekly-ish email to my internet friends


At least it gets you out in the open air

He’s a very naughty boy

Written by dominik on

1.0 My legs are old and bent

Have we all watched the trailer for “American Blogger”? It’s pretty spectacular in it’s way.
(Just to be clear: I hope all these nice ladies have all the success and happiness possible through their blogs. But that trailer, honestly.)

2.0 My ears are grizzled

Talking about terrible videos of things that happen because of internet – I am sure you have all seen the “Let’s Get Social” video?
I’m pretty there are at least some people who think: “Wow, that was cool and it went viral! Let’s do something like that at our Social Media conference, too.
I’ve warned you.

3.0 Nose is knackered

It’s pollen season again and I could do well without it. Given that I am really bad at having even the smallest kind of health-inconvenience, the sudden allergy attacks threw me into a state of disarray in which I sent all my life savings to a drug store, in exchange for basically everything they have to battle the effects of the pollen.
If my emails in the near future seem to be even more erratic than usual and/or suddenly lucid, you know what to blame

4.0 Crucifixion’s a doddle

(Stop saying that.)
This email thing is now part of a – wait for it – Webring!
The Internet of Newsletters
I’m pretty busy subscribing to all of those right now, what I have seen so far seemed pretty good.

That’s it for today, have a nice one.