
A weekly-ish email to my internet friends


Go on the internet, glow on the internet

Aziz Ansari, Trent Reznor and two very different modes of transportation

Written by dominik on

Hello internet friends,

good news! We finally have eco-friendly glitter!

Oh well.

Aziz Ansari

Aziz Ansari on Quitting the Internet, Loneliness, and Season 3 of Master of None is really worth reading. And the whole unplugging from the internet of content is a smart idea. Well… you know. Except what would happen to these emails here if I did that?
It’s not like anyone would want to read my ponderings on books I read.

Trent Reznor

Another interview with a creative person: In Conversation: Trent Reznor. He’s a bit the grumpy old man here but again, worth reading.


This is pretty great: Inside the fearless bike movement tearing up London. Both the movement and the article.


On the other spectrum of transportation is one of the greatest cars in the world. And now you know as well What Made the McLaren F1 the World’s Greatest Car.

Love Motel

I honestly don’t know what to make of these photos, but they sure are interesting: Under the Covers at Taiwan’s Tacky ‘Love Motels’. And now I know there is a big enough market for people with a Miata fetish to make one of those rooms work.

Drink enough water, moisturize, take computer breaks.