53: Calisson
Hello, internet friends! As basically every person, who I didn’t manage to avoid this morning, told me: we are the world champions. Sitting here, overly sleepy and with an aching back, I surely do not feel like a champion, but hey – whatever gets you through the day. Lately I noticed that I have more […]
Written by dominik on
Hello, internet friends!
As basically every person, who I didn’t manage to avoid this morning, told me: we are the world champions. Sitting here, overly sleepy and with an aching back, I surely do not feel like a champion, but hey – whatever gets you through the day.
Lately I noticed that I have more and more a problem interacting with people with whom I don’t share at least some “ambient intimacy”[1] – which for me mostly means people I can follow on Twitter or Tumblr. Or read their blog. Honestly, even Instagram would suffice.
The careful dance around small talk topics to find a way to tune each others’ frequency for managing a less forced conversation and some actual bonding – that is a skill that I used to have, a bit, and that seems to be completely gone. Once I am through with the weather, I am a bit lost at what else might be a common ground for conversation. I am not interested in sports or what’s on TV and therefore can’t talk about it. I refuse to discuss politics and religion and then which topic is left if you don’t know a person, yet? Apparently existential dread and the fear of the future – while something we all seem to have in common – are not topics for light conversation.
My current approach – to just be open about my limitation in that field and make it a meta-conversation topic – has the inverse effect: suddenly people who had no problem holding a conversation start to think about it, don’t really know what to say, it’s getting awkward and then that is usually it. They find someone else to talk to, I go home and watch Snowpiercer or something.
Well, uh, but hey: World champion, am I right? Yeah.
Well, I’m sorry. I guess I’m just slightly grumpy because my new bike is already losing air and now I have to take care of that and ugh, so much bother, why can’t things just be low maintenance.
This episode of “First World Problems” has been presented by: lack of coffee. At least that is something I can fix right away. Have a good monday!
Ambient intimacy is an actually quite old (in internet years) term, which Leisa Reichelt coined back in 2007. Go read that article, it’s still interesting and relevant. And it sure shaped how I feel and think about all our weird social media things. ↩