All Otter Shows
Written by dominik on
Hello internet friends,
first things first: happy Year of the Fire Rooster!
On Friday the dumpster fire on the other side of the Atlantic has escalated even more. The Verge is looking at how the CEOs auf Silicon Valley companies are responding. Meanwhile this is how things look like from the Middle East. At least the reaction of the American public is somewhat encouraging with protests all over the country and a record sum of donations to the ACLU.
idk people, all of this really scares me and I doubt that things will get any better soon.
Well, let’s forget about the future that will be for a while and remember the future that could have been. It’s always weirdly soothing to look at drawings by Syd Mead.
Another way to calm our nerves might be reading the works of one of the many self-help gurus out there. Turns out – and this is the real surprise here – these people are usually not what they seem to be.
We all liked Jurassic Park, right? Well, just imagine how adorable (and probably even more terrifying) it would have been with huge otters. I mean – huge otters are scarier than huge chicken, right?
One of those cheesy authors that keeps getting reposted into my Tumblr dashboard once said we’re all made of stardust. :unamused:
But do you want to know what is really made of stardust? The dirt and grime on our roofs. Turns out, eh?
Stay safe out there. Stay sane.