39: Mesh
Hello, internet friends! Sometimes, when I am bored or when I like to watch things packed neatly, I watch those videos where people pack clothes “for weeks” in a carry-on luggage. This is always pretty amazing and of course they manage to fit so many things in these convenient backpacks or trolleys. I just wonder […]
Written by dominik on
Hello, internet friends!
Sometimes, when I am bored or when I like to watch things packed neatly, I watch those videos where people pack clothes “for weeks” in a carry-on luggage. This is always pretty amazing and of course they manage to fit so many things in these convenient backpacks or trolleys.
I just wonder – don’t these people smell?
Maybe I am overdoing it, but I tend to change my underwear and my t-shirt daily. So just a week-long trip means filling up any kind of luggage with seven of each of those, which will take up quite some space, no matter how well I fold and stuff and compress my clothes.
In a bit unrelated thoughts – remember when I tried to order something online from a small-ish webshop and it was a bit of an ordeal?
Turns out – that seems to be a repeating pattern. And maybe it’s a repeating pattern because Amazon has messed so badly with my brain with their hyper-optimized logistics. By now I have been trained to think of “online shopping” as something immediate: I order something today and if I don’t get it the day after tomorrow, something must be broken.
This is not the norm and it’s certainly not something most companies can offer and even less so when it’s on scale – I doubt most of these small to medium sized companies have the capacity to react if there is a sudden high demand on their goods. Ah, well – I’ll cut them some slack – the small ones. But if your company was a mail order business even before the internet, you better get good.
I’ll probably have nothing to say tomorrow, so: have a nice weekend! Go hug a tree or whatever it is you guys do with your spare time.